Oops! Wear Ad Blocker, Email Yahoo There are Accessible

Surabaya- Yahoo is testing a sort of "prohibition" for the user ad-blocker (ad blocker). Tail, a number of Yahoo Mail users complain can not access the email service.
According to the Business Insider, Sunday (22/11/2015), a number of users who use ad blockers have difficulty accessing Yahoo Mail. On Twitter and website Adblock Plus, they say, there is an error when accessing Yahoo Mail in Google Chrome.
"We were not able to access Yahoo Mail. Please disable Ad Blocker to be able to use Yahoo Mail back," wrote one user on the website Adblock Plus.
Adblock Plus is a free service that can be used for various things, including block annoying ads, disable tracking, and domain blocking malware. The service is among others available for Android, Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera and Safari.
Furthermore, a Yahoo representative confirmed that indeed the company is testing a sort of "prohibition" for the user ad blocker.
"We continue to develop and test a variety of new product experience. This is a test that we run to a small number of Yahoo Mail users in the United States," said the representative.

Title: Oops! Wear Ad Blocker, Email Yahoo There are Accessible; Post By: Nafindo Group; Rating Blog: 5 from 5

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